Dr Tony Vigano BVSc FAVA 用澳寵瑰寶治療關節炎心得

我第一次聽說Rose Hip Vital是在今年的耶穌受難節,當時它在一個時事節目中被提到,隨後我在我當時的廣播節目中也接到了幾個有關它的問題。



因此,我對 Rose-Hip Vital 特別感興趣,我們從一開始就使用了它。結果非常不錯,有很多可靠的口頭證據表明它有助於緩解症狀,同時也很重要的是,不會對寵物造成傷害。

我的許多客戶繼續使用這個產品,並且確定它有效。作為一個自己也患有關節炎的患者,我總是在尋找像 Rose-Hip Vital 這樣能增強我們管理計劃的產品,而這個產品會在我們為年老寵物量身設計的計劃中一直被使用。


Dr Tony Vigano BVSc FAVA

Swanbourne Veterinary Centre

CONDITION: Arthritis


"The results have been good with a really solid base of anecdotal evidence that it helps"

I first heard about Rose Hip Vital in its present form on Good Friday this year on a current affairs program and soon received several questions about it on the radio segment I was then currently doing. I have been in practice for 45 years and so have seen countless products for arthritis come and go and then come again over the years. I therefore researched it immediately. I am always trying to tailor a complete program of arthritis management for my older patients which includes minimal use of hard line drugs in the initial stages, leaning more towards the nutraceuticals, anti-oxidants and like products. Rose-Hip Vital was therefore of particular interest to me and from the outset we made use of it. The results have been good with a really solid base of anecdotal evidence that it helps, and, as importantly, does not harm. Many of my clients have continued using the product and feel sure that it helps. As an arthritis sufferer myself, I am always on the lookout for products like Rose-Hip Vital that will augment our management protocols, and this product has found consistent use in the tailored programs we devise in our practice for older pets.
