
"自從我單獨給我的狗狗使用Rose-Hip Vital canine後,我注意到了巨大的改善。"

我是維多利亞州卡斯爾邁恩的一名獸醫。我得到了一個免費的500克罐裝Rose-Hip Vital canine,用於試驗我的患有關節炎的狗狗。我的9歲澳洲牧羊犬Shepo因舊傷而嚴重跛行,主要影響左前肢。牠的許多關節,包括脊椎,都有關節炎變化。 我給牠使用了一系列治療方法,包括metacam (美洛昔康:非類固醇消炎止痛藥)、Pentosan /arthronpen (用於保護軟骨及改善關節健康的獸醫用藥)及磁力項圈等,但都只稍微緩解了牠的跛行。然而,自從我單獨使用Rose-Hip Vital canine後,我注意到了巨大的改善。牠活躍多了,跛行也大大減輕。非常感謝你們提供這樣一個非常出色的替代產品,以幫助我們患有關節炎的狗狗。


"Since I put him on Rose-Hip Vital canine alone, I have noticed a huge improvement"
I am a vet in Castlemaine, Victoria. I was given a free 500g tub of Rose-Hip Vital canine to trial my arthritic dog on. Shepo, my 9 year old Aussie shepherd, suffers with severe lameness mainly affecting his left forelimb due to an old injury. He also has arthritic changes affecting most of his joints including his spine.
I had him on a range of treatments including metacam anti-inflammatory, pentosan (arthropen) and a magnetic collar which all only very slightly alleviated his lameness. However, since I put him on Rose-Hip Vital canine alone, I have noticed a huge improvement. He is much more active and his lameness has reduced excessively. Thank you so much for such a terrific alternative product to assist our arthritic dogs.

Rayya T-Malaeb
