我的寶貝男孩Ted今年11歲。由於他後腿的關節炎,在使用Rose-Hip Vital之前,他站立或行走時很困難。
他現在已經服用了Rose-Hip Vital超過2個月,效果令人驚訝。在使用這個神奇的產品之前,他站立或行走非常的吃力,而且很痛苦。經過2個月的時間,他現在已經能夠恢復奔跑,享受生活。
AGE: 11
CONDITION: Arthritis
"lt's so pleasing to see him more comfortable and loving life!"
My baby boy Ted is 11 vears old. He had a hard time standing or walking before Rose-Hip Vital due to arthritis inhis back legs.
He has been on Rose-Hip Vital now for over 2 months and the results have been amazinq. Beforeusing this amazing product he found standing or walking was a huge effort and painful.
After 2 months he is nowback to running and enjoying his life. Playing and interacting with his younger brother Jacko. lt's so pleasing to seehim more comfortable and loving life!