【影片】嚴重過敏的澳洲牧羊犬 Audi吃澳寵瑰寶後
“他幾乎不斷地咬、抓、舔,” Summer說。
Summer曾經聽說過Rose-Hip Vital。她想嘗試一種自然的解決方案,所以決定試試看。
在用了幾週的Rose-Hip Vital後,他現在比他們的孩子跑得還快,快樂地與他們的其他狗玩耍,並快樂地接受他作為農場工作狗的生活。更不用說,從嚴重的過敏症狀中獲得的舒緩,使他可以無需一直處於不舒服和煩躁的狀態中。
Summer將Audi的驚人變化完全歸功於Rose-Hip Vital。"它在我們家裡已成為一種無價的必需品"。
"我們所有的一切都要歸功於Rose-Hip Vital。"
When Summer’s family adopted their Miniature Australian Shepherd, Audi, they couldn’t wait to get him home to their farm, working alongside their other dogs and playing with their children. At just 9 months old, Audi was still a puppy. They expected him to be bursting with energy and zest for his new life.
But after they got Audi home, Summer realised something just didn’t seem right.
He showed no drive to interact with their children, to play with their other dogs or to run around their farm. At first Summer wondered whether Audi was feeling depressed and simply needed time to adjust to his new surroundings. She gave him all the space and security she could, and quickly noticed him form wonderful bonds with her children and other pets.
Summer could tell that something wasn’t right.
It quickly became apparent that Audi was suffering from severe allergy symptoms. While a little bit of itching and scratching is normal for a dog, with Audi, it was all the time.
“The biting, scratching and licking has been nearly constant,” said Summer.
Audi’s allergies were so bad they were impacting his mobility and quality of life. Instead of acting like a puppy and living his life to the fullest, Audi was reserved, reluctant and uncomfortable. Summer knew that for Audi to settle into life with their family and enjoy his time on the farm, she needed to find a way to relieve his symptoms.
Summer had heard of Rose-Hip Vital. Wanting to try a natural solution, she decided to give it a go.
She was so blown away by the amazing results, Summer jumped online to share her successful experience with our community and hopefully help other families struggling with similar allergy issues.
“After a few weeks the results are undeniable. Not only is the difference in his mobility incredible but his severe allergy symptoms have almost completely subsided.”
Summer is finally able to watch Audi the puppy living life to the fullest.
After a few weeks on Rose-Hip Vital, he now outruns their children, plays happily with their other dogs and is joyfully embracing his life as a working dog on the farm. Not to mention, the relief from his severe allergies has given him the freedom to live without constant discomfort and irritation.
Audi is finally living the life Summer had hoped for him.
Summer credits Audi's amazing transformation entirely to Rose-Hip Vital. "It has become an invaluable staple in our household".
"We owe it all to Rose-Hip Vital."
Rose-Hip Vital Canine 是什麼?
Rose-Hip Vital Canine是一種完全天然的植物性抗發炎的健康補給保健粉,其成分只有特殊品種的玫瑰果粉。
儘管我們的健康補給保健粉只含有玫瑰果成分,但它出自丹麥獨立農場採自然農法深根種植,然後經獨家專利工藝,特殊的製造和加工方式使Rose-Hip Vital 啟動了獨有的半乳醣脂 GOPO®,這是一種強效的天然化合物,賦予Rose-Hip Vital 得到科學支持的抗發炎功效。
Rose-Hip Vital不僅是一種極其強大的天然抗發炎保健品,還富含抗氧化劑和抗組織胺物質。每5克的服用量(狗的平均日劑量)含有超過46毫克的維生素C,使其成為一種對過敏症狀和皮膚問題很有效天然療法。
Rose-Hip Vital還含有超過31種天然維生素和礦物質,包括鐵、鋅、鎂、類黃酮、必需脂肪酸(Omega-3、6、9) 以及維生素E和C,Rose-Hip Vital不僅僅是一種天然抗發炎食品還經臨床證實可提升整體健康。
Rose-Hip Vital如何幫助犬貓緩解皮膚過敏?
而Rose-Hip Vital 獨有的半乳醣脂 GOPO® 具強大的抗發炎作用,所以能夠在過敏性皮膚炎發展之前解除發炎反應。
所以將 Rose-Hip Vital Canine 納入您的毛寶貝日常保健食品,可以幫助他們逐漸增強自己的天然抵抗能力,除了照顧到關節跟皮膚健康外,還能提升整體健康。