

他需要使用狗梯,或是我們得抱他上去。在我嘗試Rose-Hip Vital之前,我花了700美元給他打針,希望能幫助他正常走路和緩解關節炎。但無法保證那效果能持續多久。

現在他生平第一次幾乎可以用後腿站立。他現在喜歡站立,因為他從未看過他的魚。你得抱起他讓他看,他會變得很不高興。但現在因為Ros-Hip vital,他過上了他以前從未體驗過的生活。


多年來,我第一次感覺到我過著正常的生活,而不是每天都在疼痛中。這是一個很棒的產品!它真的有用!我會繼續購買這個產品。感謝你們銷售這個產品,讓我發現我自己也可以使用狗狗吃的Rose-Hip Vital (註)。


註: 其實一開始Rose-Hip Vital是為人關節問題而生的產品,詳細可參考"認識Rose-Hip Vital" 更有30多份的科學研究跟臨床實驗,人的效果良好後才陸續運用在賽馬、動物、寵物身上。

AGE: 8
CONDITION: Arthritis

"He's a happier dog and enjoying life he never knew before"

So I thought I try this product, even though I thought at first it was a bit dear. Not just for my dog but also for myself I thought well I give it a go.
I have noticed a difference in my dog just after a few weeks. Ben nearly a 8 year old Shitzu X Poodle has arthritis in his front paws and the back legs. Wasn't able to walk well or can't do any standing on his back legs since few months ago. As they would just bucket up under him. He couldn't even climb or jump in our car, up on the lounge or up onto our bed. Since he was an pup up until few weeks ago.
He had to use doggie stairs or lift him up. Before I tried him on Rose-Hip Vital I spent $700 on injections to help him with walking properly and his arthritis. There was no guarantee how long that would last.
First time in his life he can stand almost on his back legs. He loves standing now as he never could see his fish before. You had to hold him up to see them then he was miserable. But now because of rose hip vital it given him a life he never knew before.
When he was an pup he fell off the lounge or bed when he was playing with the cat. I wasn't around to see where he fell. Must have hurt his hips then as they were weak as. He had what the vet call 'deformed hips weaknesses in muscle' bit like his mum (Me). With weaknesses of muscle caused by touch of cerebral palsy. If there was cerebral palsy for dogs, as the vet said that what he would have had.'
He living the life of being an normal little Shitzu X Poodle after few weeks. It has helped to improved his life more. He's a happier dog and enjoying life he never knew before. Moving around without pain.
As well it has helped me a lot. I also brought it for myself as I also have arthritis in my back due to the fact I damaged my tail bone and as well I have it in my right side. It effects the legs and arms due to that I have a weaknesses of muscle caused by touch of cerebral palsy.
As well I have just come home from hospital about 6 months ago, after spending 2 months in there after breaking my ankle in multiple places. Had to have screws in both sides of my ankle which caused my ankle to play up daily,
found it hard to stand get out of bed in the mornings. Now I can spring out of bed. Erased most the pain. Most days throughout my body I don't have any, in short time I noticed I'm in less pain.
Then this week hardly use any of my pain relief medication, which wasn't really helping. I can now use a shovel in the garden and bend over more. Now for longer period of time. Spent 3 hours in the gardening the other day with hardly ever any pain, instead of having the feeling that I have just broken my back.
For the first time in years it made me feel that I am leading a normal life instead of being in pain daily.
Fabulous product! This actually works! I will continue to purchase this.
Thank you for selling this product, as I also found out that you can use the Dog rose hip power for myself as well.'

