
我對Rose-Hip非常滿意!在第一個月的加大劑量後,我們發現我們的拉布拉多犬(Bee)開始可以很好的爬樓梯,短距離跑步也增強,而且躺下一段時間後起身也不那麼困難。我真的不敢相信,在加入Rose Hip後她的狀況如此好轉。她肯定會在生命的餘下時間持續服用它。

Bee(我們的拉布拉多)已經服用Rose Hip大約2年了。當我們最初開始給她用這個產品後,我們就知道她的狀況有了非常大的改善。但是,經過最近發生的事情,我們幾乎確定您的產品絕對是魔法。

AGE: 11
CONDITION: Arthritis
"She'll definitely be on it for the rest of her life"
I have 3 big dogs and my oldest Bee (11 this December) unfortunately was diagnosed w arthritis at the age of 5.
We have her on multiple supplements including cetyl-M. This was working well for her for many years but in the last year she started slowing down more so I was looking to add another supplement and see how it goes. I'm very pleased with Rose-Hip ! After the first month loading we started seeing our lab (Bee) start to navigate stairs better, increased her ability to run short distances and less trouble getting up after laying down for a while. I honestly couldn't believe how well she started doing with the addition of Rose Hip. She'll definitely be on it for the rest of her life.
We are so grateful we can give our senior lady here a better quality of life in her golden years.
Thank you for your awesome product.

Update on 11th of January, 2022:
Bee (our Lab) has been on Rose Hip for about 2 years. We knew she was doing SO MUCH better initially after we started her on the product. However, we are 199 convinced your product is absolute magic after recent events.
We went on vacation for 2 weeks over the holidays and my husband forgot to put the powder with her food. After we got home we noticed she was limping and walking with great difficulty. She got to the point where she was barely standing, could not negotiate stairs.. at all, crying at night bc of the pain. We immediately started the loading doses and within a week and a half our Bee is almost back to her baseline.

We were so terrified this was the beginning of her end. Seriously, this product is THE BEST!!!! I am just sorry I didn't have the presence of mind to video the before so you can see this magic happen. Thank you for this product. Life savor. Just thought this would put a smile on your face.
