7歲臘腸犬 Albie 因IVDD影響行動

嗨,Albie今年七歲,是一隻迷你光滑臘腸犬。他一直有使用斜坡和梯子,但卻從床上掉下來。起初我們不知道怎麼了,我們認為是IVDD。他只接受了保守治療,這包括嚴格的狗籠休息,唯一有自由時間的時候就是上廁所和便便。他現在動起來更輕鬆了,儘管他還有些步履蹣跚,但他已經可以相當自由地行走。他從2月11日開始使用Rose-Hip Vital,這段時間內獲得了很多積極的改善。他還在使用醫生開的止痛藥,我會慢慢開始讓他減少用量,並且服用CBD油。

我還有一隻名叫弗洛喬(Flojo)的巧克力臘腸犬,她三歲。她的膝蓋(如果這是你們稱呼它們的話)是外八字,就像一個ADHD(過動)的孩子一樣。我給她服用Rose-Hip Vital作為預防措施。她曾經使用4cyte,但我改用 Rose-Hip Vital,因為它含有更多的成分。這加上CBD油效果更好。嗯,對我的狗來說是有效的...

AGE: 7
LOCATION: Claremont, TAS
"He's been on Rose-Hip Vital since feb 11 and has in that time shown alot of positive progress"
Hi Albie is seven, mini smooth dachshund. He has always had ramps and stairs yet fell off the bed. At first we didn't know this and assumed it was IVDD. He's only had conservative treatment which entails strict crate only time he has free time is to pee n poop. He can now move way easier and even though he still does a drunk stagger can walk quite freely. He's been on Rose-Hip Vital since feb 11 and has in that time shown alot of positive progress. He is also on prescribed pain medication that I'll slowly start to ween him off and takes cbd oil.
I also have Flojo a choc dachshund and she is three. Her knee if that's what u call them are splayed out and she's the equivalent of an adhd kid in a snag lol. I give it to her as a preventative measure. She was on 4cyte but
changed over as Rose-Hip Vital has loads more in it. That combined with cbd oil are perfect. Well its working for mine anyhow....

