
這是我的迷你長毛臘腸犬Denton。去年他13歲生日的第二天,我發現他癱瘓了。他被診斷為臘腸犬常見的椎間盤疾病,稱為IVDD(Intervertebral Disc Disease)(註)。
癱瘓的第二天,一個同為臘腸犬愛好者也是飼主的朋友給我打電話。她告訴我立刻去買一瓶Rose-Hip Vital Canine,並給他大劑量服用至少三週,然後給他維護劑量在牠之後的餘生。我認為嘗試沒有什麼損失。
週後,Denton的腿重新恢復了知覺,四週時雖然走路還是有點搖晃,但他已經能夠走了。現在,我們的生活有了新常態:不再跳躍;不再在海灘上的沙丘上奔跑;也不再做所有可能導致他的脊椎惡化的事情。幾個月前,因為我在等待當地寵物店的特價活動,於是我斷了他的Rose-Hip Vital Canine大約三週多。在一週前,我注意到他有所不同,他看起來僵硬,又開始搖晃地走路。
我們去看獸醫,獸醫認為這是由於年齡和關節炎造成的。在回家的路上,我停下來又購買了一瓶Rose-Hip Vital Canine,因為我知道這是他的飲食和日常生活中唯一改變的東西。我再次給他大劑量服用了三週,他又恢復到了之前的狀態!
感謝Rose-Hip Vital Canine,你確實給了Denton新的生命。現在已經過去12個月,他幾天後就要14歲了。他現在是一個快樂健康的老人家,但他自己認為他只有4歲,而不是14歲!另外,我還有一隻快3歲的狗叫Morrison,我也在他的日常餐中加入了Rose-Hip Vital Canine。他有著亮麗的毛皮,明亮的眼睛,看起來非常健康。

脊椎間盤疾病(Intervertebral Disc Disease,縮寫為IVDD)在臘腸犬中特別常見。臘腸犬,由於其特殊的身體結構——長身體和短腿,使得他們對脊椎間盤疾病的風險比其他狗品種高得多。


AGE: 13

"You have most certainly given Denton a new lease on life"

This is Denton, my miniature long haired dachshund. The day following his 13th birthday last year, I woke to find him paralysed. He was diagnosed with common dachshund disk disease called IVDD.
Surgery was not an option due to his age, so the decision was made to treat him conservatively. I was advised to crate rest him for six weeks in the hope he may regain sensation enough to walk again whilst introducing him to a number of holistic/natural therapies. Failing this, he was going to need doggy wheels.
The second day following his paralysis I was telephoned by a friend who is a breeder and lover of dachshunds. She told me to go straight out and buy a bottle of Rose-Hip Vital Canine and load dose him for at least three weeks followed by a maintenance dose for the rest of his life. I had nothing to lose.
Denton regained sensation in his legs three weeks later and was walking albeit wobbly at four. We do now live a 'new normal', no more jumping; running in the dunes on the beach; and all the things that most likely caused his spine to deteriorate. A few months ago, I ran out of my supply of RHVC for three weeks as I was waiting for it to come on special at my local Pet Store. After a week or so I noticed a difference in him, he looked stiff and started to walk with a wobble.
We visited the vet where it was felt it was due to age and arthritis setting in. On my way home, I stopped and purchased another bottle of RHVC as I knew this was the only thing I had changed in his diet and routine. I once again load dosed for three weeks and after one week, he was back to his old self!
Thank you Rose-Hip Vital Canine, you have most certainly given Denton a new lease on life. 12 months have now passed and he turns 14 in a few days. He is now a happy and healthy senior citizen who thinks he is 4 not 14! Ps: I also have a nearly 3 year old called Morrison, I also pop some RHVC into his daily meal. He has a lovely shiny coat, bright eyes and looks great.

