
我想給您關於我的狗Coruba的最新消息。我在2012年7月27日開始讓Coruba服用Rose-Hip Vital Canine,每天兩勺。我注意到雖然她早上仍然相當僵硬,但白天的跛行情況已經不像以前那麼明顯了。Coruba 以前整天都會跛行。


第二部分 - 三週後:Coruba完全沒有跛行的跡象,她跑得更快,比以前跳得更多。

第三部分 - 第二部分後的三週:我想給您關於Coruba的最新消息。她完全不再跛行,且持續跳躍。我的父母都開始吃Rose-Hip Vital膠囊,而我的祖母今天也下了訂單。

AGE: -
CONDITION: Treatment
"She has no limp at all and bounces and jumps around constantly"
I wished to give you an update about my dog Coruba. I started Coruba on Rose-Hip Vital Canine on 27/07/12 with two scoops everyday. I have noticed that although she is still quite stiff in the mornings she doesn't have much of a limp during the day as she used to.
Coruba would walk around all day with a limp. Coruba has suffered inflammation of her private area for three years and this becomes extremely irritated, swollen, inflamed and itchy and we have used many different antibiotics and creams prescribed by her vet to no avail.
Strangely enough, I have noticed if I have not applied any cream or ointment that her private area is not as red, swollen and she doesn't lick this area as often. Previously, I would have to apply Prednoderm ointment each day with this being quite an ordeal for both of us. I will keep you updated on her progress.
Part 2 - 3 weeks later: Coruba has no sign of any limp or soreness in her front legs and is running faster and jumping around a lot more than she used to.
Part 3 - 3 weeks after part 2: Thought I would give you an update on Coruba. She has no limp at all and bounces and jumps around constantly. My parents have both started taking Rose-Hip Vital capsules and my grandma is placing her order today.


註: Prednoderm 是一種含有皮質類固醇成分的外用藥膏,通常用於治療皮膚炎症、瘙癢和其他皮膚問題。
