皮膚問題的比特犬 Capone

我購買了Rose-Hip Vital給我的狗,因為他是一隻白色的類似比特犬,而且在春天時他的皮膚經常出疹子。我知道這個粉末主要是用於關節健康的,但我在Life of Pikelet的Instagram頁面上讀到他們的白色比特犬因使用這個粉末而對其皮疹有所改善。這就是我知道Rose-Hip Vital的方式。




AGE: 5
CONDITION: Skin Condition
"I started giving him the powder, and he no longer gets a rash"
I get Rose-Hip Vital for my dog, because he is a white pit-bull type dog, and he gets really rashy in the spring. I realize that the powder is intended for joint health, but I had read on the Life of Pikelet Instagram page that their white pit-bull type dog had been helped by the powder for his rashiness. That is how I learned about Rose-Hip Vital.
We have had our dog for almost 5 years now. When he was a foster for a year at my daughter's house, he was extremely rashy in the spring and early summer so that he had to wear a t-shirt and socks on his paws to keep from scratching.
When we adopted him, I started giving him the powder, and he no longer gets a rash. He does still get itchy in the spring and summer, but way less so.
I am also about to order a tub for myself to put in smoothies for joint health.
