
我 11 歲的騎士查理士王小獵犬Milly現在已經使用Rose-Hip Vital三年多了,她非常喜歡!Milly 有髖關節發育不良和關節炎,作為一名寵物主人和獸醫護士,我相信Rose-Hip Vital是我可以給她的頂級天然補充劑之一,以支持她的日常需求!
我將近 5 歲的騎士查理士王小獵犬Chloe現在已經使用Rose-Hip Vital 將近兩年了,我相信這不僅有助於她的關節健康,也有助於她的皮膚健康。
我 3.5 歲的米克斯 Makana 由於也患有髖關節發育不良,剛剛開始使用Rose-Hip Vital,他對這個味道簡直喜不自禁!作為一名獸醫護士,我見識過很多產品,但Rose-Hip Vital 是我為我的寵物挑選並向客戶推薦的一種。

Milly, Chloe & Makana
AGE: 11, 5 & 3
CONDITION: Arthritis
"I believe not only does it helps her joint health but her skin health as well"
Milly my 11yo Cavalier King Charles spaniel, has been on Rose-Hip Canine Vital for over 3 years now and she's loving it! Milly has hip dysplasia and arthritis and I believe as a pet owner and a veterinary nurse that Rose-Hip Vital is one of the top and natural supplements I can give to her to support her daily needs!
Chloe, my nearly 5yo Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been on Rosehip Vital for nearly 2 years now and I believe not only does it helps her joint health but her skin health as well.
Makana, my 3.5yo mix breed foster dog has only just started Rose-Hip Vital as he suffers from hip dysplasia also, and he can't get enough of the taste! As a veterinary nurse I see many products out there but Rose-Hip Canine Vital is one I use for my pets and recommend to clients!

