


我們帶她去了不同的獸醫,他們都建議給她吃抗過敏藥,最後我們甚至每月都要給她打針...這些注射能夠控制她的過敏反應,但問題從未完全消失!她長期以來都在吃藥,直到一個半月前我們發現了Rose-Hip Vital!


我只是不明白為什麼獸醫不會推薦使用Rose-Hip Vital 來治療過敏!!連寵物店裡都不知道這個能用於過敏治療。她現在已經不再需要注射了。到現在已經兩個月沒有注射,只靠Rose-Hip Vital 。不僅Mila的生活有所改善,全家也不再聽到她不停地抓搔和舔咬的聲音...很高興看到她能夠休息和再次活潑起來。"



CONDITION: Allergies/Skin Conditions


"I still can't believe Mila after two weeks had NOTHING on her skin, completely healthy and so happy."

Omg guys thanks so so much!!! My little sausage dog Mila had severe allergies... red open wounds in her stomach, scalps all over her bag and redness under her armpits.

We took her to different vets they all recommended anti allergy pills and at the end we were monthly injecting her...The injections kept the allergy under control but they were never 100% gone! She has been on medication for a long time till we found Rose-Hip Vital a month and a half ago!! I saw one of your ads where someone talked about how good was this stuff for allergies too, so a gave it a try and I still can't believe Mila after two weeks had NOTHING on her skin, completely healthy and so happy.

I just don't understand why Vets won't recommend Rose-Hip Vital to treat allergies!! Not even in the pet store they know you can use this for allergies. She's not having injections anymore. It's going to be 2 months now without injections only with Rose-Hip Vital. Not only Mila's life has improved but the whole household is enjoying not to hear the constant scratching and licking... and just happy to see her rest and be playful again.

