

後來證實她的左髖關節發育不良,膝蓋和肘部有關節炎 - 獸醫在看了她的X光片後說的話是“它們在這裡是來玩的,但時間不會很長”,我的心都碎了!

她被醫囑須終身服用藥物,並在冬季接受注射治療。我在臉書上看到了Rose-Hip Vital Canine的廣告,馬上訂購了一罐。

在最初的幾個星期裡,她走路時再也不哭泣,能夠自己爬上床來擁抱 - 這是她以前無法做到的事情!我感到非常驚訝。她變成了一隻完全不同的狗。轉眼3年過了,她只需要很少次的藥物。雖然她的問題仍然存在,但Rose-Hip Canine幫助了她很多,我非常感激我找到了它!謝謝。



AGE: 5

CONDITION: Hip Dysplasia


"Within the first few weeks she was no longer crying when she walked and would get up on the bed for cuddles unassisted"

This is my 5 year old Rottweiler Kiara. When she was around a year old she started struggling to walk, get up on her own and was showing signs of Hip Dysplasia. At first we thought it was because she ran too hard trying to keep up with her older brother Blitz, but when she would cry as she walked we knew something was wrong. Turns out she had Hip Dysplasia in her left hip and Arthritis in her knees and elbows - the vets words when he reviewed her xrays were 'theyre here for a good time, not a long time' and my heart broke!

She was ordered to be on medication for the rest of her life as well as injections in Winter. I came across an ad for Rose-Hip Canine on Facebook and ordered a tub straight away. Within the first few weeks she was no longer crying when she walked and would get up on the bed for cuddles unassisted - something she could never do! I was amazed. She was a different dog. Fast forward 3 years and she has only needed her medication a handful of times. While her issues are still there, Rose-Hip Canine has helped her so much I am so thankful I found it! Thank you.

