
大約一年前,我開始給我的女孩服用Rose Hip Vital Canine的粉劑,從那時起,我們一直非常依賴這個產品!




如果你對這個產品還有疑問,讓我來幫你解答,因為它確實有效,我絕對會推薦給其他人。Emmy現在6歲了,享受著她的生活,做著像正常的小狗一樣的事情,比如遠足、游泳和奔跑!我相信Rose Hip Vital Canine對此有很大的貢獻。


Rebecca L

AGE: 6

CONDITION: Hip Dysplasia


"IT WORKS and I absolutely would recommend it to others"

About a year ago I started my girl on the Rose Hip Vital Canine powder and I have to say we have been hooked ever since!

She's battled multiple lameness issues since she was 10 months old: 2 total hip replacements for her severe HD, sore hip flexors, and injections in her shoulders for tendon issues most likely due to compensation from the HD.

When her front end issues started that's when I was looking for and purchased this product. I believe it has worked wonders for her and truly helps with inflammation.

After her injections, rest, and this supplement she's been good as new. I also love it for her joints as a whole, it's a great all around supplement. She just seems to bounce back so much faster when she is sore or has a bad day. My vet even gave it the thumbs up because it's scientifically proven to work. It is an absolute staple in my girl's cupboard for sure.

If you are on the fence about this product let me help you with that because IT WORKS and I absolutely would recommend it to others. Emmy is 6 yrs old now, enjoying her life doing all the things normal doggies can do like hiking, swimming, and RUNNING! I believe Rose Hip Vital Canine is a big reason for that.


HD: 髖關節發育不良(Hip Dysplasia)的簡稱。髖關節發育不良是一種常見的狗狗遺傳性關節疾病,特別常見於大型狗種,如德國牧羊犬、拉布拉多、柯基等。



