這是我8歲的德國狼犬(德國牧羊犬) Ruger!
我看到了Rose-Hip Vital的廣告,決定「管它的」,這不會有害,我試試看?
只是餵了Ruger三個星期的Rose-Hip Vital,一天餵食一次,牠就能夠再次跳上沙發和床,不需要任何幫助!牠又想玩接球的遊戲,我可以看出這真的改善了牠的生活品質!!我強烈推薦這個產品,牠對我的寶貝有奇效!
AGE: 8
CONDITION: Hip Dysplasia
"I can tell it has really improved his quality of life!!"
This is Ruger my 8 year old German shepherd!
He was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia, it greatly impacted his quality-of-life he no longer could jump on the couch or onto my bed at night. I was given glucosamine tablets from the veterinarian to help with the arthritis it had caused but it seemed like it wasn't doing anything.
I saw an ad for Rose-Hip Vital and decided "what the heck" it couldn't hurt I'll give it a try?
After just 3 weeks of feeding him Rose-Hip vital every other day Ruger was back to jumping on the couch and jumping on the bed without assistance! He wants to play fetch again and I can tell it has really improved his quality of life!! I highly recommend this product it has worked wonders for my baby!