
我只是想感謝你們提供這麼棒的產品Rose-Hip Vital for Canine。我為我的老年狗和年輕的拉布拉多(就像照片中的那隻)購買了多次,他有髖關節發育不良。





我和我的狗都很感激,我會繼續為我12歲的獒犬提供Rose-Hip Vital,他是最脾氣暴躁的老頭子,但說真的,你們的產品幫助我盡可能地管理我甜蜜Nyssa的疾病。




AGE: 6

CONDITION: Hip Dysplasia


"Your product helped me manage my sweet Nyssa's ailment as much as we could"

I just wanted to thank you all for such an incredible product that is Rose-Hip Vital for Canine. I purchased it multiple times for my senior dog and my young lab (as seen in photo) who had hip dysplasia.

Unfortunately I lost my sweet Nyssa 11 days ago due the disease destroying her hips before I could put my most recent order to use for her.

It was typical Nyssa not to show me any pain and do her best to walk normally whenever I was looking.

Nyssa fought so hard for me as I did for her, she was only 6 and a half and I feel so robbed but it was best for her quality of life.

I just want to express my deepest gratitude to you all for your speedy delivery and quality product that helped my sweet baby for as long as we fought against the disease.

Me and my dogs appreciate it all, and I will continue to provide Rose-Hip Vital for my 12 year old mastiff who is the grumpiest of old men but in all seriousness, Your product helped me manage My sweet Nyssa's ailment as much as we could.

I hope this can be passed on to whatever channels it needs to so everyone can see my sweet girl and receive my heartfelt thanks.

I can never thank you enough, much love!!
