【影片】12歲Angel 關節炎獲得很大的改善

Angel 之前服用了關節保健軟糖(註1)幾年了,但她的關節炎情況每隔一段時間就會變得更嚴重。我們每週六會帶她出去散步一個小時。最近,她的情況變得更糟,甚至無法行走,看起來非常憂鬱。

我們停止了三個星期的散步,然後在臉書和Instagram上看到了「Rose-Hip Vital」的廣告。我想試試這個產品,於是馬上下訂了一筆訂單。

當 Angel 開始服用「Rose-Hip Vital」後,我已經能看到她的步行有所改善,她看起來很開心,而且僅僅一個星期的時間。兩週後我們重新開始帶Angel散步,因為她的情況有了很大的進步。她能夠跳躍奔跑,並且願意玩接球遊戲,這之前她都做不到。我對你們的產品印象非常深刻,並且會讓Angel 繼續使用它。


AGE: 12

CONDITION: Arthritis

LOCATION: Fairfield, NSW

"When Angel started taking the Rose-Hip Vital I could already see an improvement with her walking"

Angel was on mobility chews for a few years now and her arthritis gets worse every so often. We go for a doggy walk for an hour every Saturday. Lately she's gotten worse and couldn't walk and looked very sad.

We stopped walking for 3 weeks and then I saw the Rose-Hip Vital ad on FB and Instagram. I thought I might try it and put an order in straight away.

When Angel started taking the Rose-Hip Vital I could already see an improvement with her walking and she looks happy and it's only been a week. We started walking Angel after 2 weeks as she has improved a lot. She jumps and runs and wants to play fetch which she wasn't doing before. I was really impressed with your product and will continue to use it for Angel.


"Mobility chews" 是一種做成軟糖狀的寵物營養補充品,通常用於幫助改善寵物的關節和活動能力。
